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LinkedIn 26 April 2024

How to Automate LinkedIn Messages [Step-By-Step Guide]

Daisy Shevlin

Want to automate your LinkedIn messages?


Here’s what you need to do. 👇


  1. Build your lead list.
  2. Find your leads in the Kaspr dashboard.
  3. Build your LinkedIn automated sequence.

1. Build your lead list

First, build the list of profiles you’d like to reach out to.


And instead of wasting time and effort (and money! 💸) doing it manually, use a powerful automation tool like Kaspr. You can extract contacts profile by profile or in bulk from lead searches or lead lists in Sales Navigator.


When sales reps use the LinkedIn Chrome Extension, the widget can enrich your target list with accurate data in just a few clicks. And it’s free - sign up now.


Blog banner CTA - Find prospects in seconds with Kaspr's 500M+ database


You’ll also be able to extract from:

  • LinkedIn Groups.
  • LinkedIn posts.
  • LinkedIn Events.


The Kaspr widget is always ready to get the contact info details of your target list; give it a click! 

💡 Need tips for building your list?


Graphic showing Kaspr Chrome Extension with automated list extraction


From here, you can extract contact details for these connections in bulk. 


If you’re adding to the Kaspr dashboard profile by profile, save the prospect’s contact details by clicking “add to leads” on the widget. Their information will be waiting for you whenever you’re ready to reach out.

2. Find your leads in the Kaspr dashboard

Now it’s time to connect and engage with your prospects.


Sales reps can also directly send the contact information of their leads to their preferred CRM or email marketing tools, like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Sendinblue.


The sales automation tab can also enrich data from LinkedIn in two categories:

  1. Company level: Business email addresses and phone numbers.
  2. Contact level: Professional email addresses and phone numbers.

The dashboard also offers some efficient lead management features, to manage your leads with lists, notes, and tasks.


Did we mention that all the data in Kaspr is aligned with GDPR and CCPA? ✔️

3. Build your LinkedIn automated sequence

Now comes the fun part, building your LinkedIn automated sequence.


From the Kaspr dashboard, head over to the sales automation tab. Then, it’s time to start building your workflow.


❓Not sure what a workflow is? A workflow is the series of actions you’d like to automate. This can be bulk messages on LinkedIn, sending those invites to connect, or enriching the data to outreach across other channels.


The cool thing is there are a ton of templated workflows you can set up to streamline various tasks and make outreach simpler. 


Screen showing workflows available in Kaspr

It’s best to use automation sparingly to help to speed up tedious tasks. This could look like sending that initial connection request and enriching contacts who respond so you can continue your sales cadence on other channels.


You can easily set how many invitation requests you’d like to send. Once you’ve crafted the perfect personalized message in the field to appear with your invite request, save it.


Blog CTA banner - x3 workflow launches per month with Kaspr 

Don’t forget to include basic fields like a prospect’s first and last name. You’ll also need to go a step further and make sure your target audience is segmented enough so you can open with something that resonates with them. This will lead to better response rates. 📈


Then, set your duration and enter your waiting time.


❓Not sure what a waiting time is? This defines the number of days you wait until the lead is pushed to the “red side.” If a contact hasn’t accepted your invitation request after five days, you consider this unaccepted.


Graphic of workflows and automation within Kaspr

So, what is automated LinkedIn messaging anyway?

We know we’ve just jumped in with a tool you can use. So, let’s answer the question: What is automated LinkedIn messaging?


Simply put, automated LinkedIn messages mean you can send connection requests, follow-up messages and InMails through sales software. This can save SDRs, recruiters, founders and marketers a serious amount of time and improve their outreach efforts.


The important thing to remember here is that tools that enable you to do things like this were created for personalization at scale. Not to be automated spam cannons as they are often (wrongly) used for today.

What can I automate?

Tools for LinkedIn automation can do a variety of tasks.


These include:

  • Sending automated messages. Whether that be InMails, connection requests, or follow-up messages as part of your outreach strategy.
  • Message sequences. You can set up automated message sequences to follow up with new connections, send personalized messages, or nurture relationships over time.
  • Profile visits. So you can let your potential leads know that they’re on your radar.
  • Lead generation. You can generate leads faster by automating searches based on specific criteria, such as company names, size, or job roles.
  • Data enrichment. Cold outreach messages often go hand in hand with requiring other contact data, like phone numbers. Tools like Kaspr will get this for you too.
  • List building. To get contact data from LinkedIn posts, groups, events and people searches.

The types of LinkedIn automation tools

There are a few different types of automation software you can use to make routine tasks easier. Let’s take a quick look at them. 👀

Chrome Extensions

Chrome Extensions are a great way of making your LinkedIn automation more efficient. They often work as part of a web app and are available from the Chrome Web Store.


The Chrome Extensions are quick and easy to install so that you can automate immediately. Examples of Chrome Extensions include Kaspr and Dux-Soup.


  • Easy to install and use directly from your browser.
  • Generally offer a range of features like message scheduling and profile visits.
  • Often comes with a free version or trial for testing purposes.
  • Real-time data and updates.


  • Limited functionality compared to other types of tools.
  • Not all will be compatable with browsers outside of Google Chrome.
  • They need to be used responsibly on LinkedIn, as otherwise, you might violate the terms of service.

A cloud-based tool

This is a standalone software that can automate actions for you on LinkedIn. Some users prefer these cloud-based tools as it’s often seen as less risky for being seen as spam (though, as we’ve already said, tools like this should never used in this way anyway 😉).


You can often set limits for sent messages per day, and some come with other advanced features that mean they mimic human behavior. Examples of these tools include Kaspr and Expandi.  


  • Can be easily accessed with an internet connection.
  • Often offer more advanced features like CRM integration and analytics.
  • Will work on any browser you like.


  • You’ll need to pay to access to full benefits.
  • Data security concerns since your LinkedIn account information is stored on external servers.
  • Reliance on the provider’s servers, which can lead to downtime or performance issues.

Why use LinkedIn as part of multi-channel outreach?

It’s in your best interest to take advantage of everything LinkedIn offers, so making it a part of your multi-channel outreach is necessary. 


Here’s why. 👇

There's a big pool of contacts 

Most B2B professionals are on LinkedIn; the professional social media platform has over 900 million members, mainly of which log on and are active regularly. 


Plus, sales teams can browse the profile of their prospects to learn more about how to personalize their messages for better response rates. People buy from people at the end of the day, so dropping in that you know a prospect has just started a new job role or got a promotion will make all the difference.

Various channels of engagement

Selling on LinkedIn provides multiple ways to reach out to prospects and familiarize them with your face (and profile picture!).


Don’t jump right into sending a message. Start small, and use various touchpoints to engage with prospects. Like their most recent post and comment if appropriate. This is a great way to put your name in front of a prospect before starting a conversation.

Good toolset in the platform

LinkedIn provides various tools that reps should lean into. There is so much information on a prospect’s profile, from education to mutual connections, that representatives can use to their advantage. A simple scroll through the list of 2nd and 3rd-level connections opens the door to who to add next into the sales funnel to get a meeting or a demo booked.  


Plus, LinkedIn offers detailed analytics that give insights into the performance of your outreach efforts. These analytics empower you by tracking message open rates. They also help monitor engagement metrics, allowing you to refine your approach and test your messaging for better results.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator hack

Using a tool like LinkedIn Sales Navigator can elevate how reps contact their prospects, but only if it's used to its fullest potential. People need to make the effort so that Sales Navigator work for them by making the most of its features.

Get personal

Gone are the days when a basic and bare-bones LinkedIn InMail message is all a rep has to send to move a prospect through the sales funnel. Sending generic messages to dozens of people at once, known as the “spray and pray” approach, still happens today. 👇🙈

InMail teardown of bad message infographic

Prospects can spot a basic message a mile away, so if sellers want to see success, this has got to stop. Use the small details on a prospect’s profile to make outreach campaigns as personal as possible. And remember, you've got to be value-based.

How to use LinkedIn message automation in the best way

LinkedIn message automation can save you time when reaching out to potential leads. 


However, you need to make sure your messaging is personalized and relevant. 

Personalize as much as possible

While automation helps save time, it should never be used as a spam cannon to send bulk messages. 


Refer to shared interests, mutual connections, or recent interactions. Show that you’ve taken the time to research.


Think about why you’re sending the message in the first place. Did you see they liked or commented on a LinkedIn post that’s relevant to your ICP? Maybe there were some clues as to what their pain point might be.


Here’s how your personalized connection request message could look. This example bags on the prospect already being a first-degree connection with someone you know. ⬇️


Graphic of InMail connection request example message

Find your best fit ICP

Divide your connections into relevant segments based on factors like:

  • Industry.
  • Company size.
  • Job title.
  • Location.
  • Previous interactions.


This allows you to tailor your messages more effectively. And address the specific interests or needs of each group.


Troy Munson is anAccount Executive at Proofpoint, but he’s got some good advice that will help with qualifying prospects better. Troy says:


“I think that every person in a closing role should organize their territory into tiers, like A, B, C, or D. This helps you identify good potential customers.”


“For example, in my previous company, I managed 300 accounts. Out of those, 80 were likely to buy our solution. About 40 fell into tier one because they matched our ICP based on their size, revenue, and LinkedIn activity. “


“The other 40 were decent fits, but the remaining 200 were businesses like manufacturing shops unsuitable for our product. So, I concentrated on those 80 promising accounts rather than wasting time on the others.”

Monitor and adjust performance

LinkedIn automation tools can really help with A/B testing. SDRs need to be constantly trying new things, and this gets hard to track. But with third-party tools you can get even more information about which messages worked.

Is it safe to use LinkedIn automation tools?

There is some speculation around LinkedIn automation tools and if they can get reps banned from the platform. Since LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable tool during the outreach process, this is the last thing anyone wants to happen.


We’ll keep it real, so you should know that if we’re getting really technical, any form of automation falls in the “don't” category of LinkedIn’s user agreement. They include language that states, “bots or other automated methods to access the services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages”.


However, there’s a balance to consider, and it’s all about using automation wisely. 💯


Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Respect LinkedIn’s limits. LinkedIn has restrictions on messaging frequency to prevent spam. Make sure to stay within these limits to avoid account restrictions.
  • Start slow. Begin with a small number of messages per day and gradually increase as you monitor the performance and engagement of your messages.
  • Watch out for IP and location. LinkedIn checks things like your IP address and where you’re located. Logging into your account from various countries could up the chances of getting flagged.


With Kaspr, we make it easy to limit your automation, recommending up to 20 contacts added per day to the workflow and limiting how many invites you can send a day. If you’re using the free version of LinkedIn, there’s also a profile search limit. Kaspr helps you bypass this by exporting a list of contacts, rather than going profile by profile.


So when safely using LinkedIn automation tools, know your limits! Or better yet, use a tool like Kaspr that puts these guardrails up for you.

How to choose a tool for LinkedIn message automation

Choosing a tool for your LinkedIn sequences depends on the features and functionality it offers sales and marketing teams.


It’s great to be able to automate repetitive tasks, but you need to be savvy about how you use it. 


Here’s what you need to know.

Connection request and InMail limits

It would be best to ensure that your selected tool lets you set limits.


This is a safety net and will help you not go overboard or come off as spammy within the platform.


Thankfully, Kaspr reminds you to limit your connection and messages to avoid being flagged by the platform. 


When arming your team with a LinkedIn message automation tool, be sure that it integrates with the other apps and software your team is already using.


For instance, Kaspr integrates with solutions your team already uses to save time, like HubSpot, Salesforce, Pipedrive, Zapier, and more. 


Graphic to show integrating apps with Kaspr LinkedIn Chrome Extension

Personalization with properties

Using your prospect’s first name or company name is not enough.


Prospects are tired of being sent 💩 outreach, but a LinkedIn message automation tool can make things personal, in a good way, so your messages can stand out from the noise.

Rules and workflow splits

Setting up and running specific rules and workflows is crucial when choosing a tool.


When choosing Kaspr, you can target high-value leads, bridge the right leads with the right reps, and automate all workflows in just a few clicks.


For example, the LinkedIn workflow can send automatic invitations and messages at scale on LinkedIn. Plus, create scenarios directly from a list of contacts.

Data enrichment

Data is what you make it and how accurate it is.


Kaspr gives reps access to the most accurate data of prospects with emails and cell phone numbers.


Being able to verify customers with real data and securely grow your business allows your reps to focus on closing deals. 


Graphic of enrichment capabilities in the Kaspr dashboard


Start automating LinkedIn messages for free

Automating LinkedIn messages shouldn’t mean you have to be cookie-cutter. 🍪


And with Kaspr’s LinkedIn Chrome Extension, salespeople can automate messages that are personalized, get right to the point, and close more deals.


Best of all? You can get started with Kaspr today for free. And tomorrow? Using features like:


  • Adding the Kaspr plugin to their Chrome browser.
  • Finding the right prospects on LinkedIn.
  • Gaining access to accurate phone numbers and emails.
  • Managing leads in an all-in-one dashboard.
  • Converting prospects to leads and then customers and gaining revenue.

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